How do I withdraw bitcoin from my Bitonic account to my own wallet?

Withdrawing bitcoin (BTC) from your Bitonic account to your own wallet is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Log in: Login to your account After logging in, you are always able to come back to your account overview by selecting 'Customer Service' followed by 'Account details'.
  2. Verify Address: Make sure your bitcoin address is added to your account. This can be checked under 'Your bitcoin addresses' on the left side of the screen. If you haven't added your address yet, add your address by following the instructions.
  3. Go to your Portfolio: Click on 'Portfolio' on the left-hand side and change and select bitcoin. Verify you have enough bitcoin for the withdrawal and the miner fee.
  4. Withdraw bitcoin: In the 'Withdraw bitcoin' field, input the amount you want to withdraw and choose the bitcoin address where you want to send the bitcoins to. After entering the amount, click 'Withdraw bitcoin', review the withdrawal details, and confirm.
  5. Confirm via 2FA: Confirm your withdrawal by entering the 2FA code from your device when prompted. Your transaction will then be added to the queue and its status can be tracked in the 'Latest Transactions' section.

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